Friday, September 19, 2008

{Homeward Bound}

As some of you know, from time to time my friend Bryce and I have worked together on photo shoots, He is an awesome Photographer, I value his input and we have a certain chemistry that just makes us work well together.... Lately we have been discussing a partnership on custom photo shoots, the shoots will be more "Art Inspired" and the models just regular people willing to let us take over and create something spectacular. Lacey's family is the first of many projects to come, we are scouting out fabulous locations and putting our minds together for unique ideas, we are very excited to start this project... This is going to be something completely different from Andrea Watkins Photography and Bryce Hunt Photography which we will still pursue independently. Here are a few of MY favorite photos from Lacey's family shoot. I'm going to let these pictures speak for themselves.. there is a story there, but it's not my story to tell.

Photographers: Andi Watkins and Bryce Hunt 2008


Anonymous said...

wow, I love these! great location!

Anonymous said...

I really like this set. it does seem to tell a story, a story with a happy ending.